Historically, Gran Canaria grew a lot of sugar cane (rum), while Tenerife was known for their grapes (wine). Today most of the northern portion of Gran Canaria (where there is water) is terraced and farmed for a large variety of crops – including citrus trees, bananas, and a full range of vegetables. In the coastal areas are huge “greenhouses” or brown houses – that look like they contain tomatoes and other crops. There are also a lot of windmills on the island for power. Fishing has always been an important food source for Canarians. In Las Palmas there is still a small fleet of active traditional fishing boats, with what is likely the last generation of small-scale fishermen. In Garcia, we found women sitting on the side of the street selling fish. Each city also has market days with farmers’ markets. The one in Garcia was mainly filled with fruit and vegetables. The artwork outside paid homage to both land and sea. Photos can be found here: http://wp.me/p4kxEH-4h
Santa Lucía De Tirajana Canary Islands 35280
Santa Lucía De Tirajana Canary Islands 35280