What: These delicious sugar-doused deep-fried dough balls, a.k.a. “Dutch doughnuts,” are popular winter treats, primarily associated with New Year’s Eve but commonly peddled at street stalls during the colder months. In general they are called olliebollen, but one subcategory are those with currants, krentenbollen (not to be confused with the other, more savory baked krentenbollen, the soft currant-studded rolls sold in bakeries and eaten with cheese for breakfast). Much like a good Italian zeppole, they’re heaped with powdered sugar before serving, and taste lighter and less sweet than an American-style doughnut. Naturally, they’re best when fresh out of the fryer. One sweet bite and you’ll be grateful for winter.
Where: We found our bollen, and a variety of other doughnuts (chocolate, pineapple), at a “cake stall” on the street, Hollandsche Gebakkraam E. Geisterfer (Marie Heinekenplein), not far from Museumplein (or the Heineken Experience, for that matter).
When: During the season (end of October through end of December), Mon-Fri, 10am-7pm; Sat, 10am-6pm; Sun, 10am-5pm
Order: We suggest you try an olliebol and a krentenbol (€0,70 each). As with those delicious poffertjes, it’s best not to wear black!
Alternatively: Look for these on the street and at fairs during winter.