About the Author: Abigail Wavinya

Croquettes (krokets) are very popular in Amsterdam, & despite those ‘foodies’ who turn up their noses at it, you have to try one from the FEBO chain of automats! Veal, beef, chicken, & sate croquettes are among the deep-fried offerings peddled from coin-operated windows in the wall. No, it’s not the best kroket in town, but it’s still tasty, esp after a few Dutch beers. ;)

Automat croquette – FEBO
Leidsestraat 94 WNKL 1017 PE
Amsterdam North Holland 1017 VM
Automat croquette – FEBO
Leidsestraat 94 WNKL 1017 PE
Amsterdam North Holland 1017 VM