What: A simple, light, tasty milk-based soup with whole poached eggs, lots of cilantro, onion, and, traditionally, a piece of stale bread at the bottom. This dish is popular across central Colombia, including the in the capital, in Boyacá, and in Santander.
Where: Caldos of all sorts are found on Colombian menus everywhere, but local institution Tony Desayunos-Restaurante in Bucaramanga (Carrera 33, No. 33-67; 57-7- 645-4559 or 645-8718) does this one deliciously well, with a refreshing broth.
When: Tony is open 24 hours a day, and is celebrated for its breakfasts. This particular dish is fantastic for breakfast, but makes a good light dinner as well.
Order: The caldo (8,000 COP) comes with arepa; pair it with a big avocado salad and a tamal.