A diverse, thriving metropolis, Philadelphia manages to be both contemporary and historic, hip and old-school. Though its skyline is dominated by two modern glass-and-granite skyscrapers, the real gems are the quiet streets extending away from Center City, lined with old row houses and corner buildings splashed with colorful murals. This is the birthplace of the USA, but don’t think of Philly as one giant American history lesson: The city is younger and more vibrant than you might assume, with edgy public art and a leading craft beer scene just as woven into the current landscape as the cracked Liberty Bell and cliché (yet still essential) cheesesteak. Our guide to local foods in Philadelphia, ranging from old-timer favorite snapper soup and “red gravy” Italian-American to the classic roast pork sandwich, pays homage to both ends of Philadelphia’s spectrum.
Click below for the 12 best iconic Philadelphia dishes and drinks.